Custom Theme Development

Custom Affiliate Page for Shopify

  • Custom Theme Development

Project Overview

The Problem

After the roaring success my client had with his with new premium one-product store, he wanted to increase the Lifetime Value per Customer by adding additional upsells to his page. He had several products in mind that he wanted to promote to potential customers alongside his main product via affiliate marketing.

The problem we faced was that Shopify is only built for products which will go through its payment gateways. The products my client wanted to promote went through Amazon's gateway. Every product my client adds to the store would thus have an add to cart and buy now button, making the client have to ship and fulfill orders he did not have inventory for.

My Solution

To solve this problem, I custom coded a brand new page template within the theme my client was using that would be generated for each affiliate product he wanted to promote. Instead of showing the price, reviews, variants, and the dynamic checkout button, each affiliate product's page will contain a 'See On Amazon'

How does the code know which product is an affiliate product and which one isn't? Instead of having the client hire me each time to code a new page for every affiliate product he wishes to promote, I took the time to develop the code so that it generates the template whenever the client tags a product as an affiliate product.

Not only does the client save hundreds of dollars and several hours in development costs but he also saves himself a lot of stress as all he has to do is to tag the product as an affiliate and he is good to go!

How does the page template know which link to put into the See On Amazon button? All the client has to do is to put the affiliate link inside the tag and the page template will automatically place the link within the See On Amazon button.

The Results

And that's pretty much it! My client now has the opportunity to generate additional streams of revenue from his premium store without having to carry inventory and fulfill orders!

If you have any theme developments and customizations you would like to add to your store or if you would like to have a premium Shopify store built for your brand, be sure to click on the Contact Me button below or send me an email! I look forward to talking to you soon.

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